Discover Islam
A way of life for billions across the globe
A brief description
What is the meaning of Islam?
The word Islam means voluntary “submission” or “surrender” to the Will of God. It derives from the root word “salam,” meaning peace.
In the Qur’an, God defines that the only purpose for which He created mankind is to Worship Him, Islam recognizes that humankind has free choice in whether they obey or disobey God, but ultimately we will be held accountable to God in the next life for the choices that we make in this life.
First Pillar
Belief in One God
who alone should be worshipped and has no partners.
Second Pillar
Belief in Angels
who were created using light and have no free will.
Third Pillar
Belief in the Books of God
Torah, Psalms, Gospel and The Qur’an
Fourth Pillar
Belief in the Prophets
who were sent by God to spread His message.
Fifth Pillar
Belief in the Last Day
where all will gather to account for their deeds.
Sixth Pillar
Belief in Divine Decree
whether it involves the good or bad.
According to 21st Century Studies
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
While the world’s population is projected to grow 32% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70% – from 1.8 billion in 2015 to nearly 3 billion in 2060.
More and more people are coming to Islam mainly because of how Islam’s doctrine is simple and rational. It offers direct connection between the believer and God.
Here’s a simple comparison of each religion’s growth in year 2019:
“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.”
– The Noble Qur’an, Chapter Maidah: Verse 3
Get to know
The Five Pillars of Islam

It is the main and most important pillar in Islamic beliefs. It is where a person testifies that “there is no true God worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is his final Prophet and Messenger.”

The five daily prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) is the spiritual connection and relationship between the person and his Lord.These are the spiritual food for one’s soul.

It is the annual charity that every Muslim, (who meets certain criteria), is obliged to give. A mere 2.5% of one’s annual wealth is donated to those who are poor, needy and in debt.

Every year during the month of Ramadan, every Muslim around the world fasts from dawn until sunset, abstaining from three human needs – food, drink and sexual relations.

It is the annual pilgrimage to Makkah – which symbolizes the essential concepts of the Islamic faith. It commemorates the trials and sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his family.
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