Arabic is the official language of the UAE, however English is widely used and you might barely find the need to use Arabic. In case you end up in a situation where the need arises,here are some common UAE dialect phrases that will help you get by:
- Hi: Hala
- Peace be to you: Assalamu Alaikom
- Good Morning: Sabah El Kheer
- Good Evening: Masaa El Kheer
- Welcome (to greet someone): Marhaba
- Welcome (for thank you): Afwan
- How are you? Kaifa Alhal
- I’m fine, thanks: Ana Bekhair, Shokran
- And you?: Wa ant?
- Thank you: Shukran
- Good Night: Tosbeho al khair
- Goodbye: Ma’a Salama
- Can you help me?: Momkin tusaidunee
- Straight / Left / Right: Ala tool/yisar/yameen
- How much is this?: kam hatha
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